A selection of 20 prefabs including: Square, rectangle, flat cardboard models and a range of alpha decals for decorating your scene with card style debris. As seen in Unity Official Video Content.This pack is suitable for all render pipeline but the sprite materials may need upgrading when using URP or HDRP. Use the render pipeline asset converters to do so or "Edit > Render Pipeline > Upgrade Selected Materials"Support: YouTube || Website || Discord || EmailLooking for a pack which combines all of my puzzle assets together, at a massively reduced price? Adventure Puzzle KitThis Cardboard & Debris Pack has a selection of 20 Prefabs which include: Square, rectangle, flat cardboard models and a range of alpha decals for decorating your scene with cardboard style debris.See my entire: Debris & Prop Model Pack (Which includes this too)As seen in Unity's Official NEON environmental demoTECHNICAL DETAILS:Textures ranging from 1024 to 2048Triangle Count ranging from 2 - 150 trianglesINCLUDES:4 Square Cardboard boxes4 Rectangle Cardboard boxes4 Flat Cardboard boxes8 Alpha DecalsLow Poly AssetsFully PrefabbedIf you have any problems or have a question, don't hesitate to contact me via email20 Model prefabsVarious Cardboard and alpha decals1024 - 2048 texture sizes