Data Manager is a one-stop text data solution. Easy to use. We created a set of tools to handle .INI, .CSV files, Localization, Memory (Saving & Loading System), Blackboard, Algebra, and more.Two Cats Code | Online Documentation | Discord | Unity Asset-Store*** Data Manager will not be updated anymore. The advanced version Data Manager Pure Version will available soon. Those who purchased Data Manager can free upgrade to the new tool. ***Data Manager is a one-stop text data solution. Easy to use. We created a set of tools to handle .INI, .CSV files and included built-in editors accordingly. We also created a set of expanded tools based on these cool tools. Such as Localization, Memory (Saving & Loading System), Blackboard, Algebra, Todo, and more are coming…Spotlight- Algebra(Beta) is a new way of working with data. It's as simple and easy to use as you would use pen and paper to calculate data. In addition, it can provide a runtime, flexible data calculation method. Algebra includes single data calculations, statistical data calculations, and more. It supports custom methods.- Todo is a toolset for Data Manager that provides centralized in-code document management. It supports embedded images and links and supports one click to open the IDE and jump to the specified line.CreditsData Manager uses OdinSerializer as the underlying serializer. We are very grateful for the generosity of the Odin Company.Guides- General Concept- Ini-File Manager- CSV Manager- Memory- Localization- Blackboard (Beta)- Algebra (Beta)- TodoFeatures- Source code included.- In Unity Editor included.- Easy to integrate into any project.- Easy to expand the APIs.- Fuzzy search.- Use as a saving system.- Big files supported.Supported Data Conversion- Transform- Quaternion- Tuple- float- int- string- Vector2, 3, 4- List- Dictionary- Custom Data Conversion- Data Represent Manner- more is coming…Install & Upgrade- Support Unity 2021 LTS and above.- Install Data Manager via Package Manager in Unity Editor.- Required Packages- TMP- Unlock Editor Coroutines.- Always make a backup before upgrading. To have a clean upgrade, you should delete Data Manager and install it again.- Can remove the Documentations folder to save space.- If you are using Rider on mac, please ensure you added rider to the system env. Or, in Rider, Tool→Create Command-line Launcher…, in the pop-up window, by default, type: /usr/local/bin/rider, on windows should be similar.Note: Since OdinSerializer provides powerful serialization capabilities, it will likely be used in other plugins. If a conflict occurs with OdinSerializer when using Data Manager. In that case, you may delete the OdinSerializer folder in Data Manager or other OdinSerializer folders.If you modified any scriptable object stored in Assets/TwoCatsCode/Data Manager/Example/SO, you should make a copy or DONOT re-import them when you upgrade Data Manager.