Massive Retro Game Music Bundle
Brooklyn Game Audio - Retro and Chiptune Collection
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471 Retro Game Music Loops and Intros. Monthly Updates. Royalty Free!Massive Chiptune Bundle Bullet Points:471 Seamless Loops237 IntrosROYALTY-FREENo copyright issuesFreely stream on social mediaUse freely in your projectsTYPES OF LOOPS:Battle Themes: 78 LoopsBoss Themes 44 LoopsCharacter Themes: 45 LoopsStage/Level Themes 114 LoopsOrganized by:Upbeat-High IntensityNormal - Mid SpeedSlower and Darker LevelsTown and Location Themes: 41 Loops(waterfronts, cities, caves, dungeons)Shopping Themes 29 LoopsOptions and Utility Loops:Menu and Select Screen: 18 LoopsOptions: 30 LoopsEnd Credits: 9 LoopsTitle Screens: 13 LoopsWin/Lose & Game Over: 10 LoopsGame Intro Themes: 36 LoopsORGANIZATION & FOLDERSFOLDER ORGANIZED BY:8-Bit or 16-BitType of ThemeIntro or LoopQUALITY GUARANTEEAll tracks have professional audio quality:loopablebalanced volumemix and masteredThank you so much, and feel free to contact us directly at joe@past2presentaudio.com with any further questions.Audio file types: 708 .wav filesSample rate: 41kHzBit depth: 16 bitLoopable: YesStereo Sound