Pack Of Dreamy Music For GamesPack of Dreamy Music For Games❮❮❮❮❮ HERE’S EVERYTHING YOU’RE GETTING WITH THIS PACK ❯❯❯❯❯10 Original high-quality music tracks22 WAV Files including Full Tracks, Alt & Short Versions, Loops & Stingers32 Minutes of Audio in 16-bit / 44.1 Khz formatCommercial Rights & Royalty-Free License❮❮❮❮❮ TRACK LIST ❯❯❯❯❯Dream As If You'll Live ForeverWondrous WorldIllusionDreamerFantasyAugmented RealityLost In a DreamEtherealDreamIn The Dream❮❮❮❮❮ YOUTUBE POLICY ❯❯❯❯❯Our music is registered in YouTube's Content ID system to prevent unauthorized usage & piracy. Although Unity Asset Store License does not include YouTube monetization, we are offering free whitelisting for our customers. If you have purchased this pack and want to monetize your own promotional videos on YouTube, please contact us at: whitelisting@composersquad.com and we will whitelist your video/channel in the Content ID system. Please note that this doesn’t extend to third parties monetizing videos on YouTube.Number of Audio Wavs: 22Number of Audio Cues: 22Sample rate / bit rate: 16 Bit, 44,100 HzMinutes of audio provided: 32