Randomization lets you add unpredictability and random scenarios to your VR Builder process! Make your app more varied with random events, so that they can provide a different experience every time!Randomization lets you add unpredictability and random scenarios to your VR Builder process! This lets you create more varied applications. Add random situations which don’t show up every time, set random values to make the environment different every time and more!⭐️ FEATURES ⭐️Random Branch nodeFlip a coin or roll the dice to randomly determine what your user has to face next! The new Random Branch node acts as a step, but does not require to add behaviors and conditions. It automatically routes execution to one of several random outputs. It is even possible to assign a weight to each output, to make some more probable than others.Create random numbersUse random numbers in the VR Builder editor to randomize the starting environment, select random objects and more!Create random booleansYou can also create random boolean values. Create random events, randomly enable only some objects in the scene, or switch things around.Convenient built-in debug toolsIt only takes a click on a checkbox to see all changes made to VR Builder variables in the console. Additionally, the Random Branch node logs which path it selects, making it easy to debug complex random scenarios.⭐️ NEW UPDATES ⭐️VR Builder is maintained and constantly updated. Check the latest and future product updates on our Roadmap!⭐️ ADD-ONS & INTEGRATIONS ⭐️On our publisher page, we offer additional time-saving features for VR Builder.⭐️ USEFUL LINKS ⭐️• Tutorials• Discord• Documentation• Roadmap• Website