Store Front Vol - 6 HDRP contains a mid poly 3d model of Storefront and Street assets with High-Quality HDRP textures to fill up your virtual environment.This exclusive Mid poly, Store Front Vol - 6 HDRP pack can be used to fill up your fictional game environment. With HDRP textures, and 40+ Prefabs you can now optimize your project as you want using multiple options provided in the package.Textures are created to be realistic with a High Definition Render Pipeline(HDRP) workflow. The texture folder also contains five texture maps as follows Base map, Mask map, Normal map, Subsurface Map, and Emission.List of StoresMobile StoreLoan StoreFootwear StoreBurger & Pizza StoreList of PropsBarricadeBillBoardsGlass FenceMetal FenceFootpathBushStreet BillBoardStreet BenchStreet lightsWallsBus StopDustbinTrashcanNOTE: The pack contains only the front side of the stores. The stores don’t have interior details and roof details. Please check for all screenshots before purchasing.Enjoy and please rate the asset! If you face any problems or bugs please contact us at admin@devdensolutions.comContact us for AR/VR-related queries and development supportGmail - admin@devdensolutions.comWebsiteFacebookYoutubeLinkedInInstagramNumber of textures - 193Texture sizes - 1024x1024 to 2048x2048No of materials - 70Total Polygon count - 430848Total Tris count - 842319Number of meshes/prefabs - 18/44UV mapping: YesRigging: NOAnimation: NO