Simulate engine sounds based on your vehicle's engine RPM, load and other values. A must-have asset for racing games!
Easy to use, just drag and drop prefabs on compatible vehicle physics controllers.This asset is targeting developers who are working on racing games with existing vehicle physics simulations. It's compatible with several popular vehicle physics simulators available on the Unity Asset Store (read below for the complete list). The number of compatible vehicle physics controller assets will increase over time.Ideal for racing games and beyond, enhancing vehicle engine sounds. From an open world game to a simple casual mobile game, it comes handy when a vehicle needs nicer engine sound!Realistic Engine Sounds 2 - Plus Edition has an engine sound tester scene which has a basic car engine simulator. It's a good start for making a car engine soundboard app or a 2D game!Online Documentation.pdfEasy to use: drag-and-drop prefabs on your vehicle - this is only applicable for those car physics controller Unity assets that already supported with pre-made compatibility.Realistic Engine Sounds 2 currently has pre-made compatibility for 15 vehicle physics simulator Unity assets, and an example compatibility is included too for custom made car physics controllers.14 complete engine sound packs - each has 40 wav files (20 for exterior and 20 for interior view). 560 wav files dedicated solely to engine sounds.Turbo, Supercharger, Muffler crackle, and Gear changing SFX comes with sound controller scripts and prefabs (simply drag and drop these prefabs on engine sound prefabs).The asset also includes skid sound clips, however, it does not come with controller scripts for these clips.*This package does not contain any car physics controllers, or any 3D models of vehicles.*This asset can be imported into Unity 2019.4. too.Sound controller script can do the following:Optimize itself (it will pause or delete those audio sources that can't be heard because of their low volume or because of their distance from the audio listener). This depending on the prefab's optimization settings and it can be disabled too. By default it is set to "Pause" mode.Change the engine sound based on how the camera looks at the vehicle. It will sound differently if the camera is looking at the front or at the back of the car. This feature is the Dynamic Audio Mixer.Enhance engine sounds with an "aggressiveness" SFX, suitable for simulating engine upgrades in a street racing game, mimicking open exhaust systems, a lost muffler, etc. :DAdd valve SFX, which will play valve sounds synchronized with the vehicle's engine RPM without altering the sound clip's pitch. Ideal for simulating engine noise in the vehicle's engine bay, it's also useful for mimicing that when the vehicle's hood got opened (when player does an engine repair or something like that). For example: enable this SFX when the player opened the engine hood.Engine load "wobble" will "wobble" the engine load value for a short time right after the player hit the gas pedal. Used to mimic racecar, or truck engine behaviour.Wind noise SFX adds a subtle yet crucial detail that might go unnoticed if it's there, but you'll definitely notice its absence. It adds a sense of realism and completeness to the experience.Reverse gear SFX plays a whining noise when the vehicle is going in reverse.Reverse gear's beeping warning sound is played when the vehicle is in reverse gear. By default, this SFX is disabled, but you can enable it for any engine sound prefab.Realistic Engine Sounds 2 is available in three editions: Lite, Plus and Pro. You can browse all editions here. If you already own the Lite Edition, you can upgrade to either the Plus or Pro Edition at any time for a fair price (higher edition price - currently owned edition's price = your upgrade price). This also applies to the Plus Edition, it can be upgraded to the Pro Edition for the same above mentioned fair price.List of All Engine sound Packs that comes with Plus Edition:- i4 German 1- i4 Japanese 1- i4 Serbian- Diesel 2.5 German- Truck Classic- i6 German- i6 German FREE (available for free in the Asset Store)- Rotary x8 FREE (available for free in the Asset Store)- V8 American – Classic 1- V8 American – Modern 1- V8 Italian 1- V8 Italian 3- V10 German- V10 ItalianAdd-on sound packs can be found here (these sound packs are not included in any edition of RES2): Add-on sound packs for Realistic Engine Sounds 2Can't find the sound pack you're looking for? Send your own recordings to me and I will turn them into a complete engine sound pack!RES2 have pre-made compatibility made for the following vehicle physics controller assets (links to short Youtube videos on how to implement compatibility for these assets):Edy’s Vehicle PhysicsRealistic Car ControllerRealistic Car Controller ProNWH2 Vehicle PhysicsVehicle Physics ProUniversal Vehicle ControllerFGear Vehicle PhysicsIRDSArcade Car ControllerRealistic Traffic ControllerRealistic Car KitSim-Cade Vehicle PhysicsSimple Motorcycle Physics ProSimple Motocross PhysicsMotorbike Physics ToolHighroad EngineArcade Bike Physics ProRacing Game Starter KitFAQ:- What are the differences among Lite, Plus and Pro Editions?The difference is how much sound files they have, the engine sound controller script is the same in all editions.- What are the differences between RES1 and RES2?Sound controller script has been rewriten from zero, created a new custom editor to make it easier and faster to create new engine sound prefabs, many new features have been added to the sound controller. Additionally, all wav files has been re-recorded or remastered, + 1850 new wav files has been added.- Are RES1 prefabs compatible with RES2?Yes, but they may need small tweaking.- Will my custom compatibility script made for RES1 will work with RES2?No, you need to do some changes to your custom script written for RES1. In most cases you just need to add "SkrillStudio" namespace to your script.- Do I need to re-add all Realistic Engine Sounds prefabs to my vehicles after upgrading from RES1 to RES2?Yes, you need to delete the old RES1 prefabs form your vehicles and then add the new RES2 prefabs. This is needed because all RES2 prefabs have new audio clips and new values.You can find tutorials on Youtube and in the Documentation.pdf.If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues with the asset, please feel free to contact me via Email, Facebook, or by filling out the contact form on my website.May not be available to respond to messages during weekends and holidays.709 royalty free wav files, stereo, 44100 hz.Seamlessly looping wav files.156 prefabs.19 pre-made compatibility for vehicle physics simulator Unity Assets (Custom Car Controller, RCC, RCCP, VPP, EVP, NWH2, UVC, FGear, IRDS, ACC, RTC, RCK, SCVP, SMPP, SMCP, MPT, HE, ABPP and RGSK).An example compatibility is included for custom made car physics controllers.Pre-made wavs for exterior and interior camera views.Change engine sounds "aggressiveness" with a simple slider (good for car tuning games).Turbo, Supercharger, Muffler crackle, and Gear changing SFX with controller scripts and prefabs.Major part of the asset's source code is in a dll file!Has multiple demo scenes made for vehicle physics simulator Unity assets (only for those that has pre-made compatibility).