40 Voxel Dungeon Environment AssetsFor use with URP or HDRP simply set the included materials to use the corresponding URP or HDRP equivalent shaders.40 Voxel Dungeon Environment Assets.Can be used in a variety of gameplay genres such as roguelikes, dungeon crawlers, RPGs etc and across multiple camera styles such as FPS, Isometric & Top-Down.Mobile ready with low polygon count, texture and material usage.Asset List:AxeBannerBloodBookBook2CandleChairChaliceChestCoinCrateDoor FrameDoorFloorFlower PinkGrassKeyMushroom Blue, Green & RedNotePillarPotPotion Blue, Green, Purple & RedRubbleRugScrollShelfSpearStaffSwordTableTorchVinesWall TorchWallWood BeamTextures: 1 (256x1 color palette texture used by all models)Voxel resolution is 10 voxels per Unity unit.Floor tiles are done as 2x2 Unity units and wall segments as 2x3 Unity units.Polygon count: 12 - 1592All models share the same material, which uses the Unity Standard shader.Fire particles use Particles/Standard Unlit shader.For use with URP or HDRP simply set the included materials to use the corresponding URP or HDRP equivalent shaders.