Ultimate Audio Manager helps you manage all the audios in your game, it's simple, helps organize all the audios in one place, and is easily expandable to be used in any game typeOVERVIEWUltimate Audio Manager helps you manage all the audios in your game, it's simple, helps organize all the audios in one place, and is easily expandable to be used in any game typeFEATURESYou can play, pause, stop any of the audios in your game with a simple call of a function3D SPACE SUPPORTThe asset has the ability to play an audio in a specific position in 3D Space to improve the user immersionDRAG N' DROP READYWith a simple drag and drop you can start managing the audios from codeEASY TO SETUPJust drag the prefab to your scene and add all the audios to it, then call the PlaySound() or StopSound() function from your codeFULLY DOCUMENTEDBeginner-friendly documentation to ease the setup process, the code is well written and is documented as well. To get started check the GuideDEPENDENCIESThis asset requires TextMeshPRO (For the Demo scenes only)FOLLOW INTENSENATIONDiscord | Reddit | TwitterAudio Management3D Space SupportDrag and DropDocumented CodeExpandableEasy to Setup