Render Pipeline HDRP or URP------------------------------------Bat------------------------------------Polygon 4152 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Bat Materials 1Number of Bat Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- attack- attack_charge- damage- down- idle- jump_default- move------------------------------------Boar------------------------------------Boar Polygon 1624 trianglesBoar highpoly Polygon 7146 trianglesBoar Baby Polygon 1012 trianglesBoar Baby highpoly Polygon 4320 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Boar Materials 1Number of Boar Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation ListBoar- attack- attack_charge- brake- charge- damage- down- idle- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- meat- run- run_attack- sniff- sniff_shift- walkBoar Baby- baby_attack- baby_attack_charge- baby_brake- baby_charge- baby_damage- baby_down- baby_idle- baby_jump_1rise- baby_jump_2descent- baby_jump_default- baby_meat- baby_run- baby_run_attack- baby_sniff- baby_sniff_shift- baby_walk------------------------------------Chicken------------------------------------chicken Polygon 6458 triangleschicken_lowpoly Polygon 1980 triangleschick Polygon 1140 trianglesegg Polygon 112 trianglesegg break Polygon 368 trianglesroast Polygon 472 trianglesThe number of Shader Unlit Graphs 1The number of Materials 3The number of Textures 3Texture size 1024x1024pixelsAnimation Listfor oneLayer AnimatorController- crouch- damage- damage_flapping (without move position.y)- damage_flapping_default (move position.y)- down- eat- flapping (without move position.y)- flapping_default (move position.y)- honk (chicken only)- idle- jump (without move position.y)- jump_default (move position.y)- peck- peck_flapping (without move position.y)- peck_flapping_default (move position.y)- peep (chick only)- run- walkfor twoLayer AnimatorController- crouch- damage- damage_flapping (without move position.y)- damage_flapping_default (move position.y)- down- eat- flapping (without move position.y)- flapping_default (move position.y)- honk (chicken only)- idle- jump (without move position.y)- jump_1rise (without move position.y)- jump_2during (without move position.y)- jump_3descent (without move position.y)- jump_4landing (without move position.y)- jump_default (move position.y)- peck- peck_flapping (without move position.y)- peck_flapping_default (move position.y)- peep (chick only)- run- walk- wing_down- wing_flapping- wing_idleegg- idle- sway- hop- spring_upegg_break- break1- break2------------------------------------Dog------------------------------------Dog Polygon 2458 triangleshighpoly Polygon 10868 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Dog Materials 1Number of Dog Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- bark- bark_shift- bite- damage- down- haed_shake- howling- howling_sit- idle- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- run- sit- sit_shift- walk------------------------------------Owl------------------------------------Polygon 3354 triangleshighpoly Polygon 15136 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Owl Materials 1Number of Owl Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- attack- attack_charge- damage- down- flapping- flapping_attack- flapping_damage- fly- fly_gliding- fly_landing- fly_take_off- idle- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- look_around- onTree_attack- onTree_fly_take_off- onTree_idle- onTree_jump_default- onTree_look_around- onTree_move_L- onTree_move_R- onTree_sing- run- sing- walk------------------------------------Sheep------------------------------------Sheep Polygon 1462 triangleshighpoly Polygon 6300 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Sheep Materials 1Number of Sheep Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- attack- baa- damage- down- eat- eat_shift- idle- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- run- walk------------------------------------Snake------------------------------------Polygon 2848 triangleshighpoly Polygon 11856 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Snake Materials 1Number of Snake Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- attack- attack_charge- damage- down- eat- eye1- eye2- hold- idle- idle_lookaround- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- throwup- walk------------------------------------Turtle------------------------------------Polygon 2330 triangleshighpoly Polygon 9836 trianglesNumber of Shader Unlit Graphs 1Number of Turtle Materials 1Number of Turtle Textures 1Texture size 1024 x 1024 pixelsAnimation List- attack- attack_back- attack_charge- damage- down- eat- idle- idle_lookaround- jump_1rise- jump_2descent- jump_default- shell- shell_inside- shell_outside- walk