A game assets pack of a character, props, icons, and a background to create a detective noire criminal themed game in cartoon style.140 items, 1 background and a character (ready for animation*)*Character is divided to parts (animation is not included)Full list of elements:aim icon, ashtray, badge, billiard cue and balls, binoculars, blood stain, body chalk silhouette, book, book icon, medicine bottle, storage box, briefcase, brush, bullet, burger, business card, desk calendar, camera, car, metal box, a pack of cigarettes, cinema ticket, clapper board, сlipboard, wall clock, cloth, clown mask, coat, cups of coffee, silver coin, golden compass, retro computer, darts, desk lamp, detective icon, diamond, dollar, door handle, doughnuts, dynamite, evidence marker, fan, american flag, flashlight, floor lamp, evidence folder, footprints, gear, glasses, globe, gloves, gramophone, guitar, gun, gun holster, handcuffs, hanger, floor hanger, hats, home icon, hotdog, house, female id card, male id card, key icon, laptop, letter, lighter, lipstick, rack with drawers, loudspeaker, magnifier, map, map icon, matches, measuring сup, blister pack, microscope, wads of cash, newspaper, notepad, padlock, padlock icon, paper plane, blue passport, red passport, pearl necklace, crowd icon, perfume bottle, framed photo, piano keys, pills, smoking pipe, silenced pistol, pizza slice, plane ticket, police tape, popcorn bucket, radio, film roll, reel-to-reel player, diamond ring, safe, sandwich, scalpel, screwdriver, shield icon, shoe, signet, snapshots, spanner, sportscar, spotlight, stamp, star, suit, suspect icon, syringe, coffee table, wired telephone, telephone icon, thumbprint, tie, tire tracks, test tubes, retro tvs, tweezers, vinyl record, wallet, watches, whiskey bottle with glass, whistle, ziplock bagsFiles Included:- Vector source files (EPS, AI, SVG)- Transparent PNG-files- Preview images- Created by AhNinniah -Related Products- Survival Game Items Font Used on the coverKaushan ScriptAnimated: NoAdditional: Vector based