Netly is a flexible socket library built on c-sharp. It is compatible with (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows...)
Protocols: TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS💕💕💕💕💕 HELP US ADD NETLY TO FAVORITE AND GIVE GOOD FEEDBACK.ABOUTNetly is a flexible socket library and open-source built on c-sharp. It is compatible with (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows...).PROTOCOLS- TCP- UDP- SSL/TLS- WEBSOCKET CLIENT/SERVER (Soon v4.x.x)LINKS- DOCUMENTATION - GITHUB REPOSITORY SUPPORT- support@kezero.com (private and custom support -> is free 💕)- BUGS / ISSUES (recommended)- ASK QUESTIONS / SHARE IDEAS / FEEDBACK/ etc. (very recommended)DEMO- WINDOWSTESTED- LINUX- ANDROID- WINDOWS- IOS (Not tested) 👉👈- MACOS (Not tested) 👉👈- NOTE: If you can debug/test the netly on any apple device, please help-us send feedback on how it works. (SEND FEEDBACK HERE)WHY NETLY EXIST?Creating this library was a necessity wanting to use a (TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, WEBSOCKET) library to create multiplayer games, chat and interprocess communication, the idea was to use it as a generic means of communication. and it should have some requirements that are:- minimalist- easy- extensible- Robust- Minimalist- Customizable- Super simple to use- TCP Protocol- UDP Protocol- SSL/TLS Protocol- Low latency- Unlimited connections- Packaged in DLL- Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, and more