Simple runtime Unity-style editor with inspector, hierarchy and undo stack.This runtime editor can be easily extended for any purpose. You have full control over the UI/UX and the logic.Runtime Editor can load prefabs and components and provides unlimited customization, seamless playmode and implicit runtime serialization.Third-Party Components:1. "HSV-Color-Picker-Unity" under "MIT" license, see https://github.com/judah4/HSV-Color-Picker-Unity2. "RuntimeTransformHandle" under "MIT" license, see https://github.com/pshtif/RuntimeTransformHandleJSON Serialization - all data is kept in the standard JSON.Polymorphism/Parent Hierarchy - even though standard JSON does not natively supports polymorphism, Editor handles this in the deserialization postprocess.Undo system - data and view(ui) is separated, all data changes generated using commands are kept in the undo stack.Scene Tabs - editor supports multiple scenes opened at the same time with an option to copy/paste objects between scenes.Components - all your custom made components can be used within the runtime editor (and drawed in the Inspector).Inspector - inspector implicitly renders all serializable members of selected object. UI elements are binded to object fields/properties and all UI -> data changes are done using commands. Inspector redraws itself when command is processed.Supported Inspector Types:primitives - bool, int, float, stringunity primitives - Vector2, Vector3, Colorstructsenumslists (IList)classescomponent/game object referenceGit:https://github.com/ErikRichter2/RundoUnityRuntimeEditor