Reliable UDP Based Networking Library.Allows for networked level streaming, and comes with built in network relevancy. Dedicated Server or Clients (Not at the same time). I encourage you to change the source code, don’t be afraid to break and remake it to suit your own project. This package will require an intermediate understanding of c# at the very least.If you're interested in it's growth visit my github: https://github.com/maelistruth/LabyrinthThere are several channels available to send a message through (Flags and RPCs):Channels.Direct - not guaranteedChannels.Irregular - guaranteed but not in orderChannels.Ordered - guaranteed in orderVaribales are Synchorised through the Direct channel, from classes that inherit from Appendix.Networked level streaming - Ensure each scene has a just one World Component instance on a gameobject.Built in network relevancy. Relevance Options:Relevance.None - always sendsRelevance.Observers - only sends if an observer within range of the instanceRelevance.Sectors - only sends if an observer and instance are in the same cellRelevance.General - either satisfies Relevance.Observers or Relevance.SectorsNetwork Collections - These objects are independent of runtime network instances. Messages are only sent when the object was changed during a frame.Note: All code in the folder "Sample/Source" are just examples and for prototyping.