20 Tracks for Fantasy, Indie, RPGs, and Horror. Made for YOUR Game.LISTEN: SoundCloud1st Place Winner of the EGD 2021 Summer Jam, we know the value of pro level music to a Developer!Music is essential to making your dreams of a successful game reality! Start Here!20 Highly produced piano and harp loops made for open-world RPG, Fantasy, and many other genre's of games.*** ALL TRACKS ARE ROYALTY FREE***TRACKS INCLUDEDVol. 2---------------------------01 - A New Day Rises02 - Adagio Strings03 - Finding Happiness04 - Hints of the Craft05 - Hopeful Danger06 - In Reference of Jazz07 - Mysterious Places08 - Options Menu09 - Rainy Day in the City10 - Upbeat popAudio File types: Wav.Sample Rate: 48KhzBit depth: 24 bitLoopable: YesAdditional: Stereo