Simply send your users to the store review page, simple to setup, no dependencies, super low weight, fully customizable.This is the simplest but the effective way to send users to review your app. It's a simple component that allows you to send users to review page of any store, also it is super low weight is size and there is no dependency requirement, so your game remain low weight and doesn't required the stupid dependencies.Easy to setupYou just need to drag and drop the IAR prefab into the first scene and it can do the rest. also there are few options to manage how to access to store or allow you to redrect users to any store custom url you want.Light WeightIt's light like a feather, get rid of stupid IAR dependencies that make your game size at least 2MB larger, and use something lighter.Stores BenchmarkThis plugin is tested in some of the google play store games and it's really effective than the native IARs to follow up people to rate the games, also there is no lag or even crash when you show the IAR panel to the user.Hope you Enjoy!This is the simplest but the effective way to send users to review your app.Customizable designNo Internet Access alert panel (optional)Customizable level play count before showing review panelCustom Store URLVery low-weightNo Dependency or plugins requiredSuper Simple to setupFull DocumentedCustomizable Text and DescriptionCustomizable Stars Animation