A magma shader and a prefab with the material incorporatedYou can use this shader in HDRP if you change the active target in the target options within the shaderIntroductionThis shader is perfect for easy use in your project, you just need to apply the material to a plane with subdivisions and duplicate the plane to build a magma zone. In addition, you can also customize the material by modifying its parameters and textures so that it adapts to the needs of the project.Package content- Magma shader,- Magma material,- Magma plane prefab that you can easily use in your project,- A sample scene,- Presets you can use in the material,- GlobalVolume profileThe shader also features a triplanar projection on the Z axis to simplify its implementation.Render PipelinesURP (HDRP if you change the active target in the target options within the shader)Contact UsIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.E-mail: sergioherreramarin@gmail.comCustom Shaders-Custom Shader "Magma"Materials- Material "Magma"Textures- FlowMap size: 1024x1024- MagmaHeightMap size: 1024x1024- MagmaTextureBackground size: 1024x1024- MagmaTextureForeground size: 1024x1024- MagmaTextureMiddleground size: 1024x1024Volume- GlobalVolume profile with Bloom and Vignette attached.PrefabsMagma Plane prefab contains:- Mesh Renderer- Mesh Collider- Magma Material