This configurable Stadium model could be used as a game environment. It could also be used to render imagery for use in illustration.This asset consists of a textured stadium model and a handful of scripts to help the customisation process. It features customisable animated billboard advertising and collision meshes.The Editor tool lets you quickly choose between Soccer, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket. Accurate markings are shown for each sport. You can also choose between 6 pitch grass designs. There are two seat colour options. And, two levels of detail for the seats on the HDRP version.There are three preset lighting setups for Day, Dusk and Night. The presets will let you start developing with the asset quickly.URP and HDRP versions are available and are installed using support packages. Full install instructions are given in a User Manual PDF. The demo scenes and stadium prefabs are contained within the support packages (URP or HDRP).For more details, you can download a copy of the User Manual from here:https://davegarrison.co.uk/multi-sport-stadium/Multi_Sport_Stadium_User_Manual.pdfIf you have any questions about this product, feel free to email me at contact@davegarrison.co.uk.Key features:Large textured stadium model with stands and seating.Fully configured materials featuring PBR materials where applicable.Includes three lighting setups, complete with HDRI skies.A choice between complex or simple seating models (HDRP only).Stadium configurator for ‘out of the box’ rapid customisation.Versions for both HDRP and URP rendering engines.Accurate pitch markings and models for Soccer, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket.Access to all future upgrades and extensions (future sports and features).FPS Counter (optional)Technical Information:Number of textures: 45 (with additional PBR maps)Texture dimensions: 2 x (256x256), 3 x (512x512), 1 x (2048x1024), 2 x (1024x256), 5 x (1024x1024), 61 x (2048x2048), 4 x (4096x256).Number of meshes: 176 (Assembled in 1 FBX).Number of Prefabs: 2 (1 URP, 1 HDRP)Rigging: NoUV Mapping: YesPoly Count: 4,414,964 [Stadium_All.FBX]Material Types: BaseMap, MaskMap, MetallicSmoothness, Normal and HDI.------Model Information:# Scenery # Objects Verts Triangles1, Stadium Collision Mesh Objects:1, verts:140 tris:2582, Cricket Stumps (x2) Objects:2, verts:420 tris:8003, Metal Dividing Rails Objects:2, verts:73,216 tris:126,4644, Fencing in front of seats Objects:26, verts:80,256 tris:102,1445, Large Floodlights Objects:2, verts:21,568 tris:39,1526, Soccer Goals (x2) Objects:12, verts:2,604 tris:4,5607, Animating Pitch Adverts Objects:34, verts:360 tris:2968, Hockey Nets (x2) Objects:12, verts:2,258 tris:4,0409, Cricket Pitch Markings Objects:1, verts:5,338 tris:4,32210, Soccer Pitch Markings Objects:1, verts:410 tris:42411, Hockey Pitch Markings Objects:1, verts:828 tris:61012, Rugby Pitch Markings Objects:1, verts:324 tris:28213, Animated Neon Night Mode Objects:2, verts:408 tris:68014, Outside Walls Objects:1, verts:489 tris:58815, Grass Outer Filler Objects:1, verts:24 tris:2416, Grass Circle Pattern Objects:2, verts:578 tris:56117, Grass Overlap Pattern Objects:4, verts:640 tris:32018, Grass Overlap Diagonal Pattern Objects:4, verts:580 tris:29219, Grass Plain Objects:1, verts:4 tris:220, Grass Stripes Diagonal Objects:2, verts:73 tris:3921, Grass Stripes Long Objects:2, verts:40 tris:2022, Grass Stripes Short Objects:2, verts:64 tris:3223, Stadium Roof Objects:7, verts:22,836 tris:28,82024, Rugby Posts (x2) Objects:4, verts:1,036 tris:1,90425, Large Score Boards Objects:6, verts:1,880 tris:3,23226, Seating HIGH Part 1 Objects:8, verts:824,160 tris:1,318,65627, Seating HIGH Part 2 Objects:6, verts:509,040 tris:814,46428, Seating HIGH Part 3 Objects:4, verts:975,000 tris:1,560,00029, Seating LOW Part 1 Objects:8, verts:109,888 tris:54,94430, Seating LOW Part 2 Objects:6, verts:67,872 tris:33,93631, Searing LOW Part 3 Objects:4, verts:130,000 tris:65,00032, Spotlight Objects:2, verts:30,619 tris:54,27033, Stadium Stairs Objects:2, verts:21,692 tris:34,26034, Stadium Stands Objects:3, verts:11,084 tris:13,032Totals 176 Objects / 2,822,520 verts / 4,141,964 triangles.