Protect your Android app by integrating with the Google Play App Licensing service in a few lines of code.🔓 Protect your Android app by integrating with the Google Play App Licensing service in a few lines of code.Whether you're making a paid or free Android app, adding a license check will protect your game from piracy and ensure your app integrity is not compromised.🔥 Must have for 🔥Premium games to protect from piracy and sideloading.Free games to verify the integrity and protect from hacking.Paid Google Play Pass games to integrate with the service in minutes (an invitation from Google is required).Games that use APK Expansion Files.⚡ Highlights ⚡Clean and simple API.Ready for integration with paid Google Play Pass games. Extensively tested in production with two premium Google Play Pass games.Test all possible licensing scenarios without leaving the Unity Editor.Full source code is available.Compatible with Unity Package Manager (UPM) to keep your project structured.Supports APK Expansion Files.Compatible with third-party secure storage solutions in case you wish to add an extra protection layer and cache the received license response securely.DocumentationForumFAQSupportThe license check requires an internet connection. After the license check is successfully finished, the plugin caches the response. Then, you can read the license from the cache to determine if the grace period is not expired.Grace period is provided by the App Licensing service, but you can decide if you wish to extend it for a better user experience.Other considerations:To simulate all license response codes on real Android devices, you must upload your app to Closed or Open testing tracks at least once. Before submitting your app to Closed or Open testing tracks, you must complete the store listings and upload necessary graphics resources to Google Play Console, which may take some time.App Licensing doesn't provide 100% protection from piracy, but it makes it much harder to steal your intellectual property.