Stylized and totally modular medieval Inn. More than 100 prefabs.All materials are standard PBR, and easy to change to URP / HDRP pipeline.Totally modular medieval Inn. Build your own medieval inn, tabern or house as you wish.All prefabs have colliders and ready to start building your scene.Populate your game in no time.Textures are 2048x2048 by default, but depending the size of the object the texture size may vary to perfectly fit the overall scene sizePolycount:barrel01----1248 trisbarrel02----1248 tris + beamsbed----1336 trisbench ----700 trisbook01 ----76 trisbook02 ----76 trisbook03 ----76 trisbook04 ----76 trisbook05 ----76 trisbook06 ----76 trisbook07 ----76 trisbook08 ----76 trisbookshelf ----1916 trisbookshelf01 ----1916 tris + booksbottle01----568 trisbottle02 ----568 trisbowl01 ----480 trisbowl02 ----480 triscabinet ----1740 triscandle01 ----268 triscandle02 ----248 triscandle03 ----614 triscandleholder01 ----444 triscandleholder02 ----444 tris + candlecandleholder03 ----392 triscandleholder04 ----392 tris + candlechair01 ----684 trischest01 ----2072 trischimney01 ----1760 trischimney02 ----1354 triscolumn01 ----1144 triscrate01 ----500 trisdish01 ----156 trisdish02 ----156 trisdish03 ----156 trisdish04 ----156 trisdoor01 ----3680 trisFloorTile01 ----12 trisFloorTile02 ----12 trisFloorTile03 ----12 trisFloorTile04 ----12 trisFloorTile05 ----12 trisFoundationbricks ----12 trisGlass01 ----192 trisGlass02 ----192 trisHandRail ----572 trisIronRing ----44 trisJar01 ----336 trisRoof01 ----12 trisRoof02 ----20 trisRoofBeam ----44 trisRoofTile ----12 trisShield01 ----492 trisShield02 ----512 trisShield03----372 trisShield04----492 trisShield05----512 trisShield06----372 trisStairs ----1320 trisStoneBrick01a ----44 trisStoneBrick01b ----44 trisStoneBrick02a ----44 trisStoneBrick02b ----44 trisStoneBrick03a ----44 trisStoneBrick03b ----44 trisStoneBrick04a ----44 trisStoneBrick04b ----44 trisStoneBrick05a ----44 trisStoneBrick05b ----44 trisStool01 ----704 trisTableBig01 ----1936 trisTableBig02 ----1936 trisTableCloth01a ----224 trisTableCloth01b ----224 trisTableCloth01c ----224 trisTableCloth01d ----224 trisTableCloth01e ----224 trisTableCloth02a ----288 trisTableCloth02b ----288 trisTableCloth02c ----288 trisTableCloth02d ----288 trisTableCloth02e ----288 trisTableSmall01 ----1756 trisTableSmall02 ----1472 trisTorch01 ----822 trisWall01 ----100 trisWall02 ----968 trisWall03 ----1056 trisWall04 ----1608 trisWall05 ----1344 trisWall06 ----1776 trisWall07 ----1864 trisWall08 ----1696 trisWall09 ----1432 trisWall10 ----308 trisWall11 ----176 trisWall12 ----176 trisWall13 ----220 trisWall14 ----3004 trisWall15 ----2168 trisWallDoor01 ----792 trisWallTop01 ----132 trisWallTop02 ----528 trisWallTop03 ----792 trisWallTop04 ----352 trisWallTop05 ----968 trisWallTop06 ----748 trisWoodBeam01 ----44 trisWoodBeam02 ----44 trisWoodBeam03 ----44 trisWoodBeam04 ----44 trisWoodBeam05 ----44 trisWoodBeam06 ----44 trisWoodBeam07 ----44 trisWoodBeam08 ----44 trisWoodBeam09 ----44 trisWoodBeam10----44 trisWoodBeam11----44 trisWoodBeam12----44 tris