Lighters "Vol_01", you can use for your game: FPS, VR, and more. High-quality asset.The package includes Lighters "Vol_01" high-quality assets:Lighter "Petrol", Lighter "Benzine", Lighter "Gas", Lighter "BBQ".Optimized for games.Universal Rendering Pipeline.UV mapping: YesRigging: NoAnimation: NoColliders: YesPrefabs: YesLOD: NoPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_01_V1] 2978 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_01_V2] 2978 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_01_V3] 2978 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_01_V4] 2978 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_02_V1] 2448 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_02_V2] 2400 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_03_V1] 998 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_03_V2] 1013 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_03_V3] 1347 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_03_V4] 1054 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_04_V1] 2058 trisPolygon count of [SM_Lighter_04_V2] 2058 tris4 Texture sets PBR (5 materials)2048x2048 pixels (texel density 100 px/cm)1024x2048 pixels (texel density 100 px/cm)1024x2048 pixels (texel density 100 px/cm)2048x2048 pixels (texel density 92 px/cm)