A set of tilesets, of an overworld map, focused on village and castle, perfect por rpg or strategy game!CONTENTS16x16 tilesetground tilestreesCastle towers16x16 AutotiesHouses2 types of castle walls3 types of forest2 types of roadsAnimated riverFencesMiscellaneous2 types of bridgesHouse farmsclouds*This pack does come with some autotiles already set, to use it you need to download the "2D Tilemap Extras" for Unity, but I highly recomend that you set yourself, as these autotiles is just for demo purproses, or just place tile by tile on tilemap.8 png files.4 aseprite filesOne simple Scene demo3 Autotiles of forests already set*This pack does come with some autotiles already set, to use it you need to download the "2D Tilemap Extras" for Unity, but I highly recomend that you set yourself, as these autotiles is just for demo purproses, or just place tile by tile on tilemap.