The Easy Custom Cursor allows you to really quickly setup a cool looking cursor for your project, as well as quickly setting up a mouse controller. With easy customizability!This package uses the new Unity Input system, it cannot be used without it.After installation, this asset uses a single prefab for quick setup. Whenever this prefab is placed under a canvas it will behave as a new cursor. It changes the look of the cursor when using different mouse buttons, and its implementation is easily modified or added to for different or extra behaviour. The package comes with an example of how this cursor could be used, including sprites. The high customizability allows this asset to be for any genre where the player uses a mouse (menus, or a RPG, or a tycoon are good examples). It could even have a trail of particles (Unity Particles) behind your cursor!- Changing the cursor sprite upon clicking different mouse buttons: - Left-clicking - Right-clicking - Clicking the Scrollwheel- Changes the cursor sprite upon scrolling- Optional trail using the particle system of Unity- Uses the new Input system of Unity