Haven Animator lets you easily add UI and 2D Sprite animations to your objects. You can alter the position, scale, alpha and rotation.Animations are easy and fast to set up and they do not create any outside files, unless the user wants to. Adding a simple animation ”move object from y value 0 to 100 in 1 second” literally takes only 10 seconds to add!Features:Fast and easy to useAdd curves to your animationsYou can play multiple animations in a sequenceNo scripting required: All of the animations are made directly from inspector (user is also able to modify the animations from scripts)You can save animations as assets and share them between multiple Haven AnimatorsDependencies:LeanTweenCompatibility:This package is fully compatible with the third party Unity Atoms package: Unity AtomsYou can use the package for sharing the same variables or constant values between different animations from inspector or from scripts. You can also use it for calling simple on complete void events.Note: Unity Atoms versions 4.4.4 and 4.4.5 have a bug, which breaks the inspector. Use version 4.4.3 for now.Support:In case you need any assistance or want to report bugs, you can join my Discord server and share your thoughts with the whole community. You can also contact me by sending an email to toni1.heinonen@gmail.com.Available features:Add multiple different animations to objectsPlay multiple animations in a row by using the Animation Sequence systemPlay animations on Awake() or by calling Play() function from scriptOverride animation properties from scriptAdd on complete listenersReset values before and after playing the animationShare same values between all animations on component by using Global ValuesShare same values between all animations properties by using Shared Animation Values