This package is a template to allow users to have a starting point to easily create a 2d endless shooter with all the complex logic handled for you.This asset pack contains the following:Game Mode:- Enemy spawn system time between spawns and enemy types that spawn can be controlled in the inspector.- Music & Sound effects- Different types of enemies easy to customise such as shooting range how quickly they fire bullets and health.- Random spawning health packsPlayer: (Most features can be disabled and enabled in the inspector)- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Wall jumping- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out system- Custom cursor systemShooting system:- Gun prefab- Health system (enemy and player)- Muzzle Flash- Gun shell effect- Enviroment impact effectsPlayerShootingGame Mode