Notice:This asset is geared towards users who have experience using Unity's systems.While many aspects of the creation process are automated, a bit of manual work is required to get a custom character running.Guides will assume that users can navigate the Unity Editor and are familiar with basic Unity features such as Prefabs, Game Objects, Components, and Animation Events.Description:A third person character controller tailor-made for action-adventure games.The package includes game-ready features such as melee combos, auto targeting, NPC dialogue, and menu navigation.Editor scripts for automatic prefab and animator controller generation are also included to accelerate the asset creation process.Access the drive to view project settings, script descriptions, guides, and more. A demo build using everything in the project's demo scene is also available for download.The Feature Overview video showcases assets included in this package. Art, animation, and audio assets depicted in other videos are not included!• Uses the Character Controller system as opposed to the Rigidbody system.• Requires two tags and ten layers for gameplay features to work.• Requires the new Input System for controller input.• It is advisable to create a New Project to import the required Project Settings.This asset is governed by the Asset Store EULA. However, the following components are governed by the licenses indicated below:• (Font) Manrope - SIL Open Font License• (Script) Animation Curves - MIT LicenseSee Third Party Notices.txt in the package for details.