URPPlus Lite allows you to create more pleasing to the eye and realistic graphics than a regular URP. This is a light version of the URPPlus. The asset is aimed at maximum optimization.Pipeline supports Unity 2019.4, Unity 2020.3 and Unity 2021.3Pipeline supports Unity 2019.4(only supported up to version 1.1.0), Unity 2020.3 and Unity 2021.3Mostly supports Forward Rendering.Pipeline features:Depth Write and Depth TestNormal Mode(Flip/Mirror/None)TranslucencyPre-Integrated SSSPre-Integrated IridescenceMaximum optimized Sheen shading in Fabric ShaderAnisotropyMask MappingDetail MappingThread Mapping for Fabric ShaderHorizon OcclusionMicroShadowsHigh Quality Depth Normals(for Unity 2020+) to improve SSAOUnpack Nodes(MaskMapping, DetailMapping, ThreadMapping, Emission), Lighting Nodes(7)Shaders:Simple LitLitComplex LitFabricHairSimple Eye