Pussycat Kaper.
This is Low-Poly model Anime Pussycat.Pussycat Kaper.This is Low-Poly model Anime PussycatIn the package:Model have 29 animations:If you need other animations my email dkvoron@gmail.comSkeleton and skining in 3ds max.Model have 11694 Triangles 6938 VerticalsOne Materials and Textures 2048X2048Basic mesh -UV sets 2048X2048 Maps Metall & Glosiness Normal Emissive AlbedoNumber of textures 1 Metall & Glosiness Normal Emissive AlbedoTexture sizes 2048X2048Polygon count of [Pussycat Kaper]Minimum polygon count 6938Maximum polygon count 11694Number of meshes/prefabs 1/1Rigging: YesAnimation count 29Animation type listBATTLE_IDLERUNRUN_ENDRUN_STARTRUN_TURNWALKWALK_WALKBACK_ENDWALK_STARTWALK_TURNWALKBACKWALK_WALKBACK_STARTWALK_LEFTWALK_LEFT_RIGHT_ENDWALK_LEFT_RIGHT_STARTWALK_RIGHTDAMAGEDEATHDODGE ONEDODGE TWODOWN_UPIDLEIDLE_TWOIDLE_BATTLEIDLE_CHANGEBATTLEIDLE_IDLE_CHANGEJUMPSTRIKE_ONESTRIKE_TWOKICKSEETUV mapping: YesLOD information NOTypes of materials and texture maps PBR