Template for 2d Environment & House & CharacterDemo Include(Same With Video)Example 2d Character CreatorExample 2d Character controllerExample LoadingExample day night systemExample 2d grass systemExample stairExample SceneAll Source Code IncludeAll Sprite are Png-Tiles in 128x128px resolution-31 Furniture-2 difference Ground RuleTile (Ready for autotiling)-2 difference Wall-2 difference fire include Animation-Chest open and close-One Candle include Animation-House Door open and close-18 World object sprite-4 RuleTile - Mountain, Road, River, Fence (Ready for autotiling)-Incline Mountain(optional)-1 Bridge-2 difference Tree pattern-2 difference Grass Ground pattern-1 Stair to Mountain-1 outside caveMale Character- 1 hair-1 empty-1 cloth-1 ArmorFemale Character- 2 hair-1 empty-1 cloth-1 ArmorImportant:Demo are using URP,Pls import 2d-extras-1.8.1-preview for 2020.3 and TextMeshProand I have use Fantasy Wooden GUI Free For UICharacter PSD Source File? go 2d 8 Direction Animation Character PSD only- InfiBatniscontacts: infibatnis.gamesolo@gmail.com