Every time I start a new project I implement over and over again the same helpers and extensions, this Asset contains some of them.This Asset aims to help with the very first steps of a project, giving you some of the most easy but time consuming features so you can focus in what's important.Every subasset has its documentation and Demo scenes, easy to understand and customize, this tools should be able to help you in almost any project you have in mind.Runtime consoleManage GameObjects and their ComponentsCheck any script public variable values and modify themCall methods from any script on sceneExplore the hierarchy and loaded scenes at any momentModify the speed of the gameExtensionsRoutines: a set of predefined structures useful for most of the casesICollectables: common straight forward methods for lists and arrays, like last and random picksComponents: methods to destroy multiple GameObjects, resize SpriteRenderers automatically while changing their sprites and othersGrid libraryA simple grid generator system that allows condition customizationSimple Agents with basic behaviours as exampleSimple Elements (like buildings or decorations) to fill grids