Anti-aircraft gunThis is a stylized model of a WWII anti-aircraft gun.The model has three types of texture quality.The demo scene included with the asset is used to demonstrate the capabilities of the model is dynamic and animated examples.The anti-aircraft gun has a 177k vertex.Materials use textures: albedo, normal, AO and material properties (metallic, smoothness)).Used Universal Render Pipeline/Lit shader.Each of the 3 prefabs contains the following set of textures :[Quality][Material]_AO (4096x4096 png file-for High, 2048x2048 png file-for Mid, 1024x1024 png file-for Low)[Quality][Material]_Base Map (4096x4096 png file-for High, 2048x2048 png file-for Mid, 1024x1024 png file-for Low)[Quality][Material]_Mask Map (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)[Quality][Material]_Normal (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)The model contains 115 meshes, organized into four main sections for animation.The model uses URP and ShaderGraph ver. 10.5.0 or higer.