Create your own 3D rougelike game using our procedural dungeon generation system. Over 60+ assets (models, animations, sounds, scritps)Important scripts:Inside Gen V2: Script used to generate start to end procedural dungeonsPlayer controller: Script used to control the player and enable the combat system60+ assets:30 unique 3d models containing:WallsFloorsCharacters:CiclopsZombieHandCerberus (boss)GladiatorGhosts (npc)PilarsBurnersetc2.- 15+ animations: (counting all the characters and npc)IddleAttackRolletc3.- Music and SFXtwo main tracks10+ SFXStabWalkDog barkCiclops punchetc4.- ExtrasA basic complete death by boss cinematic (upcoming)An intro sequenceWater shadersThe inside gen V2 script is a complex one, feel free to check out the documentation at:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y_Zma5lzk8XiER_eEUDiU_Uzg07ydKG9?usp=sharingAlso feel free to check out our tutorial at:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7LZ_p6dn5XlRSra2frvX1A