New Version Available called "Power Pivot" -> https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/267036
!! This is now the legacy version for Unity 2019 and 2020 !!New Version available -> Power Pivot!! This is now the legacy version for Unity 2019 and 2020. Please get the Power Pivot instead !! This may be deprecated in the future.Rotate and scale around anything, not just the pivot.Links: Documentation | Support & ForumWhat does it do exactly?✔️ It introduces a virtual pivot (called "cursor")It is used as a transformation origin. Simply press "v" while using the rotate or scale tool and it will pop up. Those of you who know Blender will find it kinda familiar.✔️ Rotate and scale around any pointDo it without any hierarchy shenanigans (aka parenting).✔️ Scale two axis at onceHold SHIFT while dragging one axis to scale the other two. The used key can be changed in the settings.✔️ Works right there in the SceneViewImplemented as a custom tool which, once enabled, uses all your familiar shortcuts (shortcut manager compatible!)✔️ Snapping & FramingSnapping your pivot to any vertex has never been easier. To focus on it press "F" (can be changed in the settings).✔️ Parenting toolsParent or unparent your objects with a single click.✔️ Supports Unity 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, ... (LTS)✔️ Full source code includedYou can see how it's done and make changes if needed.What does it NOT do?This not an "edit the pivot" tool. There already are great tools to do that. This is quite the opposite.Use casesHere are some of the things I use this for (and why I made it in the first place).● Align skinned meshes with the environment.● Imagine importing a third party asset. Then you find out that the pivot is at a random position (think of trees with a pivot on top). Often you need to rotate and scale from somewhere specific (like the bottom). Usually I'd reparent this but for quick iteration it's convenient to use it as is. Especially during prototyping. "No need to clean it up yet. After all it's just a deco."● Rotating a huge object around one specific position (doesn't have to be a vertex). If you are close to it then the pivot is often off-screen. Now with the cursor you can have the gizmo right in front of you. How convenient!● Reparenting in the hierarchy is not very nice. With the "create parent" or "extract children" buttons it can be done super quickly. No need to touch the hierarchy window at all.● Press F to focus on the selected vertex (cursor). Yes, you can press the middle mouse button too but that does not focus the exact vertex.If you like this asset then maybe you'll like these too:✏️ Smart UI SelectionSkip the hierarchy search. What you click is what you select.🐭 Mouse Button ShortcutsGo back and forth in history with your mouse buttons.🔍 UI PreviewGet a preview of your UI Prefabs in the Inspector.