This open-source package contains a collection of handy C# scripts like math algorithms (E.g. Vector & Quaternion helpers) for runtime usage and the Editor as well.This package offers a variety of scripts, helpful for almost any project you will work on, saving you precious development time!You can find the original GitHub repository of this project here and the API documentation here.Note that the 3D, 2D and animation contents shown in the video are not part of the collection!Support:Since I am developing and maintaining this asset package in my spare time, feel free to support me, buy me a coffee or check out my other published assets.Also, feel free to join the discord server for support or friendly discussions.Features - MonoBehaviours:Keep the Scene view in focus after pressing the play buttonLook at a target with special settings and constraintsAlarm clock (time) event emitterA generic item container helper, emitting events when its list changesAn async Scene loader helper class, also emitting eventsFeatures - Non-MonoBehaviours:Generate scripts and open a (in the project only) file pickerDraw lines, alternating list items and colored boxes in the inspectorExtension classes for some types like strings or NavmeshAgentsHelp with Vector, Rigidbody and Quaternion calculationsHelp with targeting transforms by distanceGenerate random points in the 3D environmentMap and store hashes to stringsHelpful methods for collections in generalHandy methods to retrieve type informations via reflection callsRename files recursive and keep referencesApply existing or regenerate GUIDs for assets and keep their referencesOther projects using this kit:AiMalgam | Snowmen (Released) | Sunder Islands (WIP)This asset pack uses a third-party component (see the "Third-Party Notices.txt" file), being the forked NaughtyAttributes package.