This is a Playmaker Action Pack to be used with 'Curved World (2020)'.These actions are designed to be used by Playmaker users with 'Curved World (2020)'.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/curved-world-2020-173251Installation Instructions:Make sure you already have the 'Curved World (2020)' asset installed via Unity Package Manager.Make sure you already have 'Playmaker' installed via Unity Package Manager.Import the 'Curved World Playmaker Action Pack' package.Actions Included:Curved World Controller Enable BendCurved World Controller Set Bend AngleCurved World Controller Set Bend Angle 2Curved World Controller Set Bend Curvature OffsetCurved World Controller Set Bend Curvature SizeCurved World Controller Set Bend Horizontal OffsetCurved World Controller Set Bend Minimum RadiusCurved World Controller Set Bend Minimum Radius 2Curved World Controller Set Bend RolloffCurved World Controller Set Bend Vertical OffsetCurved World Controller Set Bend Vertical SizeDemo Scene:The demo scene will appear broken if you have not followed the installation instructions.All the assets are from the 'Curved World (2020)' package, so you MUST have it installed.In the hierarchy, find the GameObject 'Playmaker Actions'. Check out the FSM with the single state 'State 1'.Hit 'Play' in the editor.In 'State 1', adjust the 'size' float and you'll see the road curve horizontally.All the other Playmaker Actions are THAT easy!For support, please reach out on my discord server:https://discord.gg/fyB9z2EsuJ