This shader package aims to be a solution for who is looking for a toon ramp shader that can be used across multiple rendering pipline-- SRP / URP / HDRP Toon Ramp Shader --This package includes 9 shaders:3 toon ramp shader variants for Standard rendering pipline (SRP),3 toon ramp shader variants for Universal Rendering Pipline (URP),3 toon ramp shader variants for High Definition Rendering Pipline (HDRP)Package Info:With this package you will have 3 toon ramp shader variants for each rendering pipline for a total of 9 shaders.Toon Shader: This is a shader optimized for mobile games. It react to a directional light, it can cast shadows but doesn't receive shadows, it support gpu instancing.Toon Shader PBR: This is a standard surface shader mixed with toon shading logics to create the toon shader effect. It support casted and received shadows, it support gpu instancing. It support smoothness and metallicToon Shader Normal: This is a standard surface shader with a custom lighting function. It It's more similar to the toon shader pbr but with support for normal maps.Even if the logics are similar, the resulting shading effect will be very different from each other. You can choose the shader that more fits your needsThe srp versions are written via glsl, instead urp and hdrp versions are made via Shader GraphDocumentation:https://94matteo1.github.io/Asset-Store-Projects-Documentation/#/ToonShaderShader Parameters:AlbedoNormal Map (for Toon Shader Normal variant)Toon Ramp Range (for each slice of the toon ramp effect)Toon Ramp Color (for each slice of the toon ramp effect)Rim ColorRim SmoothnessSpecular ColorSpecular SmoothnessSmoothness (for Toon Shader Normal and Toon Shader PBR)Metallic (for Toon Shader Normal and Toon Shader PBR)