It provides an effective appearance when the button is clicked.This package has the following features :Customizable Shrinking EffectCustomizable Growth EffectCombination of Shrinking Effect and Growth EffectCustomizable speed of above featuresCallback function# TIME SETTINGSSpecifies how its behavior changes when time scale changes. [Scaled => independent on time scale, Unscaled => dependent of time scale]# PRIORITYIf you are going to use both the growth and shrink effects together, it specifies which one has priority.# SPEED SETTINGS- STEPIndicates how many steps an effect consists of.- SLEEPIndicates how much rest time there is between each step.# SIZE SETTINGS- MAXSpecifies the growth factor of the button.- MINSpecifies the shrink factor of the button.# CALLBACK SETTINGS- TIMEIf the callback function is selected, it specifies how long after the button is pressed it will be called.- CALLBACK FUNCTIONFunction to be triggered after elapsed time.