This package provides a script that allows you to quickly and precisely place NavMesh links into your scene, with each NavMesh link requiring only two mouse clicks in the Scene View to be placed.May require you to import Unity's experimental AI Navigation package for this package to work:https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ai.navigation@1.0/manual/index.html .The NavMesh link-placer tool this package offers is lightweight and can be used alongside other tools that generate and edit NavMeshes and NavMesh links. This tool is particularly handy because unlike Unity's NavMesh-link autogenerator, which creates NavMesh links for a few select movements (NavMesh agents jumping down from objects or jumping from one object to another on the same y-position), with this package you can easily create NavMesh links for just about any type of movement you need in just a couple of clicks.Navmesh Link PlacerPlace the "NM_Link_Placer.cs" script as a component on an empty gameobject (named "NM_Links" for example) that will store the NavMesh links as its children.Placing the NavMesh links is then as simple as selecting the NM_Links gameobject in the scene hierarchy, toggling 'CreateLinkMode' either by pressing the 'CreateLinkMode' button in the inspector or using the 'Ctrl+L' hotkey, and then left-mouse clicking in the scene the start and end positions of the desired navmesh link.Once 'CreateLinkMode' is turned on, you can place many NavMesh links in quick succession.