Farms and forests spirit items for platform games. High quality with different farms and forests you need.2D Icons farms and forests pack is with many interesting high quality buildings for farms, towns and villages in platform games. By using this asset, we think it would be some help for you to make your own games.◉ Key Features ◉♦ 321 icons in total♦♦ 512X512 resolution ratio ♦◉ Spirit items ◉♦ Maps ♦♦ Farms ♦♦ Constructions ♦♦ Forests ♦♦ Houses ♦♦ Farmlands♦♦ Restaurants ♦♦ Ground ♦♦ Trees ♦♦ Churches ♦Wishing our asset would be useful to those who are working in various kind of farm, village and forest games.