The pack is a collection of 12 magic spells with there unique fantasy design. The magic spells come with ready to use prefabs specially designed for mobile/pc devices.Another great asset by Poseidon Studios!!Ultimate Magic Spell Bundle 2The pack is a collection of 12 magic spells with there unique fantasy design. The magic spells come with ready to use prefabs specially designed for mobile/pc devices and also they can be easily integrated in your projects.The magic spells can be easily customized.Note : The character Model and animationsshown in the demo video are for reference only and are not included in the package.Package Components:The pack has 12(19 in total)magic spells :-•Chest Particle effects:oHealth chest particle effect.oEnergy chest particle effect 1.oEnergy chest particle effect 2.•Energy Ball spells:oEnergy Ball spell 1.oEnergy Ball spell 2.oEnergy Ball spell 3.•Points Particle effect:oPoints particle effect 1.oPoints particle effect 2.oPoints particle effect 3.oPoints particle effect 4.•Ancient healing spell.•Dark hands spell.•Dark magic spell.•Ice shatter spell.•Magma spike spell.•Power recharging spell.•Spell preparing effect.•Rock spike spell.•Shadow spike spell.Features1. Texture size :- 1024x10242. Mobile readyThe pack comes with a demo scene and a camera controller.Video and screenshots of the magic spells were made using the help of Post Processing effects.☆☆☆☆☆ Don't forget to rate!! ☆☆☆☆☆1.Texture size :- 1024x1024.2. Mobile/Pc ready.3.Colour of any magic spell can be easily customized.4.Behavior and speed of the projectile, can be easily customized by changing velocity over lifetime.