Guide user how to use controllers in your VR experience in easy to follow manner - with no code required. It'll take you minutes to set up whole onboarding flow by using precreated steps.Easily target specific buttons, set popups and highlights to make sure user knows how to progress.Control the onboarding workflow with completion-rules that'll make sure user actually knows how to perform the action and bring their attention back to it if they don't get it. Configure Onboarding Flow in Editor (no code)- no code required - you can use existing UserGuidances like HighlightButton and combine them with CompletionRules, eg. ButtonPressed- you can easily extend the workflow with code for more complex scenarionsBuilt-in User Guidances- Highlight- TooltipBuilt-in Completion Rules- Button Pressed- Button Held for n seconds- Time Passed- Joystick Moved- Object Moved- Custom Signal- Combined OR (any of)Designed to work with various XR frameworks and InputHandling- UnityXRToolkit- UnityXR (device-based, replaced by New Unity Action Based Input)- SteamVR- OVR- other frameworks are generally using one of the above for input and you'll be able to easily integrateRoadmap- PlaySound guidance