Build custom low-poly 3D turrets with just a few menu clicks.
Also comes with 30 pre-built turrets in 5 theme variations. (150 Total)Package will work with other render pipelines, with the exception of the 2 included custom shaders. Materials that reference these shaders will have to use an alternative. Menu-driven CreationWith just a few menu choices, a unique custom turret can be built in under a minute.Additional tweaks can be made to individual parts, such as scale and rotation, and some items have additional options such as positioning, and automatic weapon-fire converge distance.Material themes can be automatically generated, or you can customize and save material theme presets for reuse.For inspiration, you can click the "Random Turret" button, and poof! A brand-new turret and theme will be instantly generated. You can then edit or build upon it, or just keep on clicking! (It's kinda hard to stop.)Visit the MobFarm website for more information.Important Note:This package only includes art assets (and the editor system), and does not include turret script functionality.However, the turrets are constructed with rotator and elevator hierarchy, for when you are ready add a turret script controller.Highly recommended: EasyTurret controller script asset.Turrets will have proper hierarchy for rotation and elevation, as well as exit points for bullets or missiles.Turrets are build with choice of colliders: None, Simple, and Complex.Included Turret Prefabs:10 turret types with 3 variations each, and each with 5 color themes.Turret Types - v1, v2, v3AAAMachine GunMinigunAutocannonCannonSniperFlamethrowerRocket PodLauncher, BoxLauncher, LargeThemesSoft RedSoft BlueMilitary GreenMilitary TanWoodland CamoFull Part List11 WeaponsAutocannonCannon, MediumFlamethrowerHardpoint, Simple x1Hardpoint, Simple x2Launcher, Large x1Launcher, Large x2Launcher, Large x4Machine GunMinigunRocket Pod, Small x74 Munitions (For launchers and hardpoints)Missile, LargeMissile, Large, AeroRocket, SmallRocket, Small, Dart6 BasesCross, ShortCross, TallSquare, ChunkySquare, ShortSquare, TallTripod, Heavy13 Mountsx1 Bracket, Heavyx1 Bracket, Lightx2 Tall Boxx4 Tall Boxx1 Post, Mediumx2 Post, Mediumx3 Post, Mediumx1 Split Domex1 Split Dome, Tallx1 Covered, Flat Octx2 Covered, Flat Octx3 Covered, Flat Octx4 Covered, Square Box16 Weapon ModsChem Barrel, FlamerChem Barrel, NozzleChem Barrel, ThickGun Barrel, AccentGun Barrel, Brake, LargeGun Barrel, Brake, LongGun Barrel, FlareGun Barrel, SuppressorGun Mod, Drum, LargeGun Mod, Mag, LargeGun Mod, Mag, MediumGun Mod, Mag, RoundGun Mod, PortFlashlightLaser SightScope, Medium8 SensorsAntenna x2Antenna, LateralAntenna, LargeCamera, EnclosedCamera, PanelRadar, DishRadar, DomeRadar, Wire14 AccessoriesAccent, BarAccent, CanisterAccent, SquareFoot, MediumFoot, SmallFoot, WideMisc, Aux BarrelMisc, Floodlight x2Misc, Floodlight x2, PanelMisc, Panel, SimpleMisc, Panel, TechMisc, Pipes x2, CurvedMisc, RegulatorMisc, VentsOther ItemsSeamless TexturesDigital CamoDesert Digital CamoArmy Digital CamoWoodland Digital CamoAged Metal Bump (Normal Map)ShadersLuminosityBlendLuminosityBlendBump