A simple combat system that will work with any game.Why?This package provides the components to handle trigger-based combat, factoring in your code's health and damage values.Benefits of using this system over your own:Everything is done in the editor, making it incredibly beginner, designer, and time friendlyIt uses runtime compilation to stay fully optimized while remaining simpleMore features to comeContactSupport Discord serverCatSandwich#1259josh@joshts.caPlease feel free to reach out for any questions, concerns, or feedback. I'd love to hear from you!Demo art from Danil Chernyaev - check out his work!Technical specificationsThis package takes advantage of Unity's built-in physics system (2D or 3D), combined with runtime compilation, to provide the most optimized and simple solution with no drawbacks.It uses LINQ Expressions to compile references to your code at runtime, allowing it to fully integrate into your workflow without the typical issues that come with reflection or source generation.How it worksThe package provides two main components: DamageSender and DamageReceiver. They handle physics interactions, using your code's damage and health values.Getting startedTo set up the system, follow these steps:Add the DamageReceiver component to all objects that take damageAdd the DamageSender component to all objects that deal damageSet references in the inspector to the components' damage & health fieldsSet up standard Unity physics triggersThat's it, that's all! It's even easier than it seems.