A historically authentic lever-action rifle inspired by the Winchester Model 1876Prefabs use URP materials - however Standard materials ARE included!This is a historically authentic model of an old lever-action rifle, inspired by the Winchester Model 1876.Package contains 4 "skins":"Old": A rusty neglected version"Variation 1": A normal looking version (Darker metal, lighter wood)"Variation 2": A normal looking version (Lighter metal, darker wood)"Epic": An expensive version with metal engravingAlso with this package comes two types of cartridge models (used and unused).Prefabs are "game dev friendly", with movable parts (hammer, trigger, lever, sights, covers, and inside parts).Number of textures:Gun: 4 × 4 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic)Cartridge: 4 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic)Texture dimensions:Gun: 2048 × 2048Cartridge: 1024 × 1024Polygon count:Gun body: 1800 trisGun trigger: 60 trisGun hammer: 104 trisGun lever: 260 trisGun spring cover: 40 trisGun cover: 52 trisGun sights (rotatable part): 152 trisGun sights (adjustable part): 64 trisGun carrier: 84 trisGun breech pin: 70 trisGun total: 2686 trisCartridge unused: 156 trisCartridge used: 138 trisNumber of prefabs:Revolver "Old" versionRevolver "Var1" versionRevolver "Var2" versionRevolver "Epic" versionCartridge "Unused"Cartridge "Used"Rigging: NoneUV mapping: YesLOD: NonePBR Materials:Revolver "Old" versionRevolver "Var1" versionRevolver "Var2" versionRevolver "Epic" versionCartridge