The plug-in uploads the CAD model to the server, and the server automatically converts the uploaded CAD model and loads the converted data to unity's client.FEATURES• Server-side conversion supports STEP 3D file format (.stp, step)• Server-side conversion supports IGES 3D file formats (.igs, .iges)• Server-side conversion supports FBX 3D file format (.fbx、.dae、.obj).• Provides cli conversion function• Provides server conversion source code• The client supports WebGL, IOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Editor platform loading• Supports built-in render pipelines, URP render pipelines, HDRP render pipelines• Supports Chinese name import• Support multidimensional sub-material importThe server-side converter only supports Window systems or window server systemsCAD Server differs from CAD Import1. The transformation of the CAD Server model is on the server side, and the client loads the converted data on the server side.2. Because the CAD model conversion is converted on the server, more client platforms are supported to load the CAD model.This resource uses the OCCT repository derived from Open CASCADE Technology under an LGPL license. For detailed license information, see license_third_party.txt and LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt, or visit: License Information