!!! NOTICE !!!There is a Version 2 of this asset available. This is the OLD LEGACY version and will be deprecated soon!!!! NOTICE !!!Find the source of 'Duplicate class' errors within seconds.Links: Documentation | Support | ForumHow does it work?Easy: after your build has failed* go to "Window > Android Build Error Analyzer" and hit "Analyze last build". Once the analysis is done you will see the result right below.Features:● Makes investigating 'Duplicate class' errors almost fun.● Handy tools (list duplicates, list all libs)● Full Source Code included (uses ASMDEFs)● Super lightweight (just a fews classes)● Supports Unity 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, .. (LTS) on Windows and Mac*Notice #1If you are exporting as a project for Android Studio then the analyzer will not be able to access the build logs (Android Studio is a separate program). Therefore some errors may not be detected. If you get "duplicate class" errors, yet the "search" in Unity does not reveal anything then it is very likely that the conflict is coming from your gradle imports from within the Android Studio project. - Workaround: Please try to export directly in order for the tool to be able to pick up the error logs for analysis. Once you have found and fixed them you can switch back to the project export build.TLDR: The tool does NOT fully support Android Studio builds. However you can still do the static (pre build) analysis.Notice #2The tool does not handle all possible errors. Instead it focuses on the group of 'duplicate class' errors as those are the most common (and annoying).If you want a certain group of errors to be added then please drop a message in the forums.Compatible with Unity 2019+ (2019 LTS, 2020 LTS, 2021 LTS)Full source code includedUses asmdefs to reduce compile times.InstallationDownload the Asset and import it into your project.You are done, no additional setup is needed.UsageA new menu will be available under "Window > Android Build Error Analyzer". Go check it out once the import is done.By default the tool will show a popup after a failed build was recognized. You can disable this at any time in the settings ("Project Settings > Android Build Error Analyzer")Info: The settings file will be created under Assets/.SupportIf you have any questions or issues then please write to office[at]kamgam.com.You can also ask in the dedicated Unity Forum thread. This way others can follow the discussion.Please be patient, replies may take a few days.Please includeyour Asset Store Order Nr in your requests via email.I you like this asset then maybe you will like thesee too:✏️ Smart UI SelectionSkip the hierarchy search. What you click is what you select.🚧 Exclude from buildExclude any files and directories from build.🔍 UI PreviewGet a preview of your UI Prefabs in the Inspector.🐭 Mouse Button ShortcutsGo back and forth in history with your mouse buttons.