LAUNCH SALE:-50% DISCOUNT FOR FEW DAYS!This pack contains 12 realistic scripted sci-fi crates / loot boxes / chest boxes with open/close and pressurization/depressurization valve animations, editable glow effect, and realistic 4K PBR textures.FEATURES:- 12 different colors variations.- Customizable glow effect: you can freely change the color of the light emitting parts of the mesh by changing the emission color in the materials.- Open/Close animation controllable via script: simply call crate.OpenCrate(), crate.CloseCrate() or crate.ToggleCrateOpened() to open/close a crate.- Pressurize/Depressurize animation controllable via script: simply call crate.Pressurize(), crate.Depressurize() or crate.TogglePressurization() to activate/deactivate/toggle the pressurization valve.- Ultra realistic 4096x4096 PBR TexturesPOLY COUNT (per crate): 2113 triangles- POLY COUNT: 2113 triangles per crate- Textures: PBR 4096x4096- Animated in Unity and controlled via Crate script.- All the materials are compatible with Unity Universal Pipeline, but you can create materials for other pipelines easily by using the provided pbr textures (normal maps, albedo, metalness, emission).
このパックには 、開閉および加圧/減圧バルブアニメーション、編集可能なグロー効果、リアルな4K PBRテクスチャを備えた、 12のリアルなスクリプトSFクレート/ルートボックス/チェストボックスが含まれています。
POLY COUNT(クレートあたり):2113個の三角形