A historically authentic cartridge converted revolver inspired by the Remington Model 1858Prefabs use URP materials - however Standard materials ARE included!This is a historically authentic model of an old revolver from 1858 as if it was converted around the 1870's to use cartridges instead of cap and balls. Inspired by the Remington Model 1858.Package contains 4 "skins":"Old": A rusty neglected version"Common": A cheap looking version"Rare": A slightly used new looking version"Epic": An expensive customized version with ivory handle and metal engravingAlso with this package comes two types of cartridge models (used and unused) prepositioned inside each gun prefab's cylinder.Prefabs are "game dev friendly", with movable parts (hammer, trigger, cylinder, hatch, unloader latch and spring) and a custom script for simulating pressed and relaxed spring.Number of textures:Gun: 4 × 4 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic)Spring: 3 (Albedo + AO + Normal)Cartridge: 5 (Albedo + AO + Normal + Metallic + Maskmap (for URP))Texture dimensions:Gun: 2048 × 2048Spring: 512 × 512Cartridge: 1024 × 1024Polygon count:Gun body: 2184 trisGun trigger: 68 trisGun hammer: 206 trisGun cylinder hatch: 120 trisGun cylinder: 460 trisGun unloader spring: 178 trisGun unloader latch: 100 trisGun total: 3316 trisCartridge unused: 216 trisCartridge used: 158 trisNumber of prefabs:Revolver "Rare" versionRevolver "Old" versionRevolver "Epic" versionRevolver "Common" versionCartridge "Unused"Cartridge "Used"Rigging: Script controlled springUV mapping: YesLOD: NonePBR Materials:Revolver "Rare" versionRevolver "Old" versionRevolver "Epic" versionRevolver "Common" versionCartridgeSpring