This asset includes 2D graphics, audio, VFXs, materials, and a shader to create atmospheric scenes in your game.The first asset pack by ООО Superposition Principle Inc.🎉 The pack is called Asset FTTGR.The package includes:Animated characters;Animated grass, lianas, fire and etc;Tilemap 8x8 pixels;Prefabs;VFXs;2D environment;Audio;Materials and shader etc.The Asset FTTGR asset pack is free and has no commercial use limit💥💥💥📌AnimationCharacters- Hero(Idle, Run, Punch, FlyUp, FlyDown, Death, OpenedBag, SitByTheFire, SitDownToFire, WalkAwayFromFire)- Crow(Idle, Fly, Say, Death)- IceGolem(Idle, Run, Death)- Mushroom(Idle, Sleep, WakeUp, Attack, Death, Walk)- Skeleton(Idle, Run, Attack, Death)- Wolf(Idle, Run, Attack, Death)Environment- Spring(Idle, Work)- Decoration: Barrie1, Barrie2, Fire1, Fire2, Grass1, Grass2, Grass3, Lian1, Lian2, Lian3, Lian4, Rag1, Rag2(Idle)📌AudioAmbience- BirdLoop- FireLoop- WindStrongLoop- WindWeakLoopMusic- Performance- SummerTension- WinterQuestionSFXFor all characters animations...📌Materials- Distortion- Wind📌NormalMaps- SimpleNormalMap- Snowflake1- Snowflake2- Snowflake3📌Paletters (Tilemap 8x8 pixels)- Blocks- Decorations- Obstacles📌PrefabsCharacters- Hero- EnemiesEnviroment- Decorations- InteractiveObjectsVFXs- SnowScreen1- SnowScreen2- SnowScreen3- EffectGlowworm- EffectLeaf- EffectReflection- EffectSmoke- EffectSnow📌Shader- Wind📌Sprites- PNGCharacters- Hero- EnemiesEnviroment- Decorations- Grounds- InteractiveObjects- TilesVFXs