Simple action UI are different designs of weapons buttons, menu frames, button frames, and health bars.This package includes:9 Weapon UI with 54 variations.8 Menu UI Frames.12 Button UI Frames.10 Healthbar frames.7 Healthbars.6 Extra shapes.4 animated button samples.3 scenes displaying the UI.Easy color change, no need to use a photo/image editor as you can easily change it directly on the engine.Simple animated buttons are included. Use the extra 6 shapes ("Frames, Buttons, and Extras" sprite) to make different animations.Refund PolicyI don't accept refund requests as the Asset Store can't guarantee that asset access will be canceled and the asset copy will be deleted from the user's PC. Thank you for understanding.Each weapon's UI is 384x392Each cube menu frame is 768x384Each rectangle menu frame is 384x384Each button frame is 384x192Each extra shape is 384x384Each healthbar frame is 768x192Each healthbar is 768x192